Friday, October 14, 2011

IDEA FOR MY WALLPAPER- found and made by the nature... a honeycomb

After doing research about the nature and its shapes, colors, structure, smell and texture I have started to think about honey, bees, flower pollen and everything related to a honeycomb.  As my inspiration for the wallpaper theme I have chosen the honeycomb. The structure of the honeycomb creates an ideal pattern which could be used for my wallpaper design.

The hexagonal grid of wax cells on either side of the nest are slightly offset from each other. This increases the strength of the comb and reduces the amount of wax required to produce a robust structure.

A computer-generated model of a honeycomb cell, showing a hexagonal tube terminating in three equal rhombuses that meet at a point on the axis of the cell

The three-dimensional geometry of a honeycomb cell

The shape of the cells is such that two opposing honeycomb layers nest into each other, with each facet of the closed ends being shared by opposing cells.

A computer-generated model of two opposing honeycomb layers, showing three cells on one layer fitting together with three cells on the opposing layer

Opposing layers of honeycomb cells fit together

Wikipedia, 2011. Honeycomb [digital images] [viewed 15 October 2011]. Available from:

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