Thursday, October 20, 2011


This project was designed for Malaysia that to create Skyscraper for new residents moving to the area in coming years. According to the area’s growth management plan - population is expected to nearly double numbers from its 2005 by the year 2025. The architecture studend in Sarawak; Johor Baru, Atta Irdrawani Zaini and Ungku Norani Sonet named the project Honeycomb Skyscraper. That skyscrapers should only be built when density deems necessary, their building will be fully utilized as the population grows.

“The building is highly modern, a wall of repeating polygonal pods, but is made interesting visually and in terms of design by the random way in which the units are stuck together. The condos cluster in two wave like walls that attach to the wide front of a tall, rectangular main lobby and elevator area. As people fill the residences in the skyscraper jungle of Johor Baru, Dense City will undoubtedly be one of the most unique trees in the forest.”

 Architecture View, 2011. Fantastic Honeycomb Skyscraper Design for Malaysia [digital images]
 [viewed 20 October 2011]. Available from:

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